Patronage of the College of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cambridge, taken from John Lamb, D.D., Masters’ History of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the University of Cambridge, with additional matter and a continuation to the present time (publ. John Murray, Albermarle Street, London, 1831), pp. 427–453.



ST. MARY ABCHURCH is a Rectory in the diocese and archdeaconry of London. The patronage of this Church was in the possession of the Master and Chaplains of the College of JESUS and CORPUS CHRISTI near the Church of ST. LAWRENCE POUNTNEY, at the general suppression of religious houses, upon which it came to the Crown, where it continued until the tenth of Elizabeth, when archbishop Parker procured the Queen to grant the perpetual advowson to the College of CORPUS CHRISTI in CAMBRIDGE, in exchange for the rectory of PENSHURST, KENT, which belonged to the archbishoprick.

ST. LAWRENCE POUNTNEY was a Rectory, the patronage of which was likewise in the hands of the Master and Chaplains of the College of JESUS and CORPUS CHRISTI, this together with the former, at the dissolution of religious houses, devolved to the Crown. Afte the fire of London in 1666, this Church was united to that of St. Mary Abchurch, which is made the Parochial Church for both parishes, and together they are fixed at the yearly value of £120. in lieu of tythes.

In 1693 the Churchwardens of this parish leased the parsonage-house, rebuilt since the fire, to H. Whistler, Esq. by indenture dated June 24, 1677, for the term of sixty years, (twenty years being by a decree of Chancery added to the term of forty years allowed by Act of Parliament,) the ground-rent reserved to the rector during the said term, being £5. per annum. Upon the presentation of Mr. Oliver to this living in 1713, a dispute was renewed, which had originated on a former occasion between the College and the parishioners, as to the right of presentation to the curacy of ST. LAWRENCE POUNTNEY, and also respecting the lease of the parsonage-house. These matters were by the consent of each party put to reference, when Dr. Moss, Dean of Ely, on the part of the College agreed to give the parishioners £150. for the former; and the latter was purchased some years after of Henry


Whistler, Esq. at the expence of £400: the College paying £250., and the parish the remainder.

Archbishop Parker procured the insertion of the following clause in the new statutes, after the oath of office taken by the Master upon his election: “Quo præstito admittatur a socio seniore sed in propriȃ personȃ in ipso Collegio, qui plenum jus habeat ad RECTORIAM DE ABCHURCH LONDINI absque consensu Sociorum, si uti velit, alioquin ad aliquem Socium seniorem, devolvatur cum assensu Magistri et Sociorum.”

As will be seen from the following list of incumbents, this rectory has never yet been taken by the Master.

1597 RALPH DAWSON, B.D. President.

1611 SAMUEL WALSALL, D.D. President.

1613 BENJAMIN STONE, A.M. Fellow.

1655 JOHN KITCHEN, A.M. Fellow.

1660 BENJAMIN STONE, reinstated.

1661 JOHN GARDINER, D.D. Fellow.

1681 THOMAS WHINCOP, B.D. Fellow.

1713 EDWARD OLIVER, B.D. Fellow.


1747 CHARLES SKOTTOWE, B.D. President.

1749 THOMAS D’OYLY, LL.D. Fellow of All Souls, Oxford. In exchange with the last Incumbent for Radmell, in Sussex.

1771 JOHN SHARP, D.D. Fellow.


1773 JAMES NASMITH, B.D. Fellow, (not instituted).

1773 JOHN WARREN, D.D. of Caius. In exchange for Snailwell, Cambridgeshire.

1774 BENJAMIN UNDERWOOD, M.A. of Queen’s College. In exchange for the perpetual curacy of LOOSE, in the Diocese of CANTERBURY.



ST. BENEDICT in CAMBRIDGE, was a Rectory valued at £4. 7s. 11d. in the King’s Books. This advowson was purchased by some of the members of the GILD of CORPUS CHRISTI, of JOHN D’ARGENTINE, knight, of HORSEHEATH in this county in 1350, and upon the foundation of the College soon after, they obtained the appropriation of it, as appears from the Licence granted by the King for that purpose. (Page 21.) At this time WILLIAM D’EYTON, presb. was in possession of the rectory, who upon the College being founded resigned it into the hands of the Society. From this period there was a regular succession of rectors, chiefly fellows of the College, until the visitation of bishop Cox in 1561, when it was vacant by the death of the last incumbent, EDMUND EDWARDS. It probably continued vacant until 1578, when upon a petition of the Society to the Bishop of the Diocese, setting forth that, “Their revenues consisted chiefly of ruinous old houses: that some of the buildings belonging to the Church, were convenient to be added to the College: that the number of scholars be so much increased, it was become too small to hold them, without putting so many together in a chamber, as might endanger breeding pestilential diseases: that the revenues of the College were so diminished without any fault of theirs, as to be insufficient for supporting the number appointed by the foundations, &c.:” a licence of appropriation was granted by him (as had been done at the foundation of the College) upon the following conditions:

“Quod providerent seu procurarunt quod dicta Ecclesia STI BENEDICTI in perpetuum futuris temporibus divinis non destituetur officiis, quod cogi possint per Episcopum Cancellos dictæ Ecclesiæ propriis sumptibus emendare, reparare, restaurare vel reficere, quod solvent Episcopo et Successoribus suis Procuraciones Visitacionum et Præsertim XXd. singulis Visitacionibus Episcopalibus et Archidiaconis et Successoribus suis Procurationes omnes et singulas, et Synodalia ex antiquȃ consuetudine debita et consueta, et præsertim IIs. IIIId. annuatim.”

From this period the Church has been served, for the most part, by fellows of the College, who had for their salary four pounds per annum, three paid by the College, and one by the master, together with a contribution from the parishioners.

In 1729, Dr. THOMAS GREENE, bishop of Ely, who had himself been minister of this parish, gave two hundred pounds for the augmentation of the curacy, and obtained the like sum from the governors of Queen Anne’s bounty. This sum,


£400. was laid out in the purchase of an estate at WILLINGHAM, in this county in 1757; consisting of twenty acres of common field arable land dispersed, and of one acre one rood of meadow-ground, to which are attached five co-goings in middle fen. (See page 249). Upon this occasion the governors of Queen Anne’s bounty required a legal security from the College, for the usual annual payment of four pounds to the curate of St. Benedict’s Church, and accordingly a proper Instrument for this purpose was executed. [Coll. Ord. May 15, 1760] In 1826 the sum of two hundred pounds, a further grant from the same bounty, was laid out in the purchase of two acres of land bordering on the west of the foot path, leading from CAMBRIDGE to CHERRYHINTON. The curacy has also been augmented by a Parliamentary grant of £1200, lately vested by the commissioners in the 3 per Cent. Reduced Bank Annuities, where it purchased £1357. 17s. Stock. In 1825 the parishioners without any solicitation on the part of the minister, and even without his knowledge, agreed to add five pounds a quarter to their usual contribution.

This curacy has been served by several individuals of distinguished name and character.

1625–1626 RICHARD STERNE, afterwards Archbishop of York.

1630–1633 THOMAS FULLER, of Queen’s College, the celebrated Historian.

1657–1662 JOHN SPENCER, afterwards Master of the College and Dean of Ely.

1687–1688 THOMAS GREENE, afterwards Master of the College and Bishop of Ely.

1697–1699 ROBERT MOSS, Fellow, and afterwards Dean of Ely.

1699–1702 ELIAS SYDALL, Fellow, and afterwards Bishop of Gloucester.

1752–1757 ROBERT MASTERS, Fellow, and Historian of the College.

It is now held by the Master of the College, who was presented to it by the Society in 1821, being then a fellow.

The tower of this Church is a very ancient structure, and corresponds in some respects with the towers of the four celebrated Northamptonshire Churches. The balustres of the belfry windows, the mouldings and corbels of the tower-arch are worthy of the antiquary’s attention. It is probably one of the few remains of Saxon architecture in this country. The nave is neat and plain, of the age of Henry III. The Chancel small and destitute of all ornament; behind the wainscotting on the south side, are the remains of three pointed arches. Before the building of the Tower of St. Mary’s (1608) the University had use of the bells of this Church for Acts and Congregation, and paid annually an acknowledgement of 6s. 8d. to the parish for this privilege, by an old compact dated 1273, which is


preserved in the Black Parchment Book kept by the Vice-chancellor. (Page 117.) At the end of the same book is the following entry:

“May 31, 1655.”

“Memorand: That whereas the Bells of Bennet Church which the Universitie also useth to ring to actes and congregations, were now much out of frame and almost become uselesse: And whereas RICHARD BERRY, churchwarden of the said parish (as he said in the name of the parish which appeareth not) did earnestly solicite for some contribution towards their repairing not demanding it as due, but requesting it as a free gift: It was consented to at a Consistory of Heads and Presidents, May 7, that thirty shillings should be given towards that worke as a free gift of the University: which accordingly being paid the day first above written to the churchwardens RICHARD BERRY and THOMAS GRAVES, they gave this acknowledgement under their hands of it:”

“May 31: 1655.”

“Whereas, we whose names are underwritten, churchwardens of the parish of St. Bene’t in Cambridge, have the day and yeare abovewritten received from the hands of Dr. Lightfoote, Vice-chancellor of the University, the summe of 30s. which the University has been pleased freely to contribute towards the repaire of our bells: we do in the name of the said parish thankfully receive it as a free gift of the University. In witness whereof we have hereunto put our hands the day and yeare above written.”


THO. GRAVES,} Churchwardens.

The College by an ancient contract, pays four shillings annually towards the repairs of the church; and the proprietor of the chamber adjoining thereto, five


shillings, the old vestry having formerly stood on part of the ground whereon it is built. In 1621, the path leading to the College was separated by a wall from the churchyard. Leave was given to the parish by the Society, in 1755, to open a door opposite the west end of the Church, into the passage leading to the College.

The register books of this parish commence 30 Hen. VIII, and have been regularly kept since.

The number of inhabitants according to the last census of 1821, was, males 462, females 505; total 967. In 1676 the population only amounted to 181.

Mr. MERE, was an inhabitant of this parish. He was a native of Mayfield, in Sussex, and admitted of King’s College in 1521. He was elected Bedel of Divinity in 1530, and soon after one of the University Appraisers. He became Registrary in 1542, and died 13th of April, 1558, being Wednesday in Easter week. By his Will which bears date April 1, he ordered his body to be buried in St. Benedict’s Churchyard, by that of his late wife; where it was laid with this inscription over it:

“Here lyeth the Body of JOHN MERE one of the Esquier Beadles of this University who gave Ano. 1558 his two dwelling Houses in this Parish to the University, and a Remembrance to the Vice-chancellor and all the Offices of this University here present upon the day of his Commemoration in this Church.”

He bequeathed to the University the house in which he dwelt, lying in St. Benedict’s parish; and a term of years in certain garden-grounds and houses over


against it. He appointed Dr. PARKER and Mr. LEEDS the Supervisors of his Will, to whom he referred the disposal of the profits arising from this estate. Accordingly they covenanted with the University as follows:

“That the Vice-chancellor for the time being should preach or cause to be preached, an English Sermon in St. Benedict’s Church, on the Wednesday or on some one day within the holidays in Easter-week, yearly: wherein a grateful remembrance is to be made of this benefaction, and the necessity and usefulness of hearing and reading the scriptures to be set forth; or obedience of subjects to their princes, of pupils to their tutors, and of servants to their masters, for the well-ordering their subjects, pupils and servants; or he is to exhort to charity, or to a daily preparation against the fears of death:” for which he is to have 3s. 4d. for his labour; the Vice-chancellor, 6d.; the Proctors, Taxors, Orator, Scrutators, Curate, the four Bedels and Bellringer, 4d. each, [4s. 6d.]; the Parish Clerk, 2d. the Castle, Tolbooth, and Spittal House, 3s.; to be distributed at the discretion of the Vice-chancellor or Chaplain of the University for the time being, who shall have for his pains in receiving the yearly rent and making this distribution, 2s. In failure of the Sermon, the penalty of ten shillings is to be levied by the Churchwardens of St. Benedict, upon the University tenant.

In 1615 this house was let to Dr. Davers for forty years at the annual rent of forty shillings, on condition of his keeping it in repair. In 1625, Alice the widow of Dr. Davers, resigned the remainder of her lease to the University, upon their granting a fresh one of ninety-nine years to Dr. Samuel Ward and his successors in the Lady Margaret’s Professorship, at the annual rent of three pounds; and at the same time she conveyed to the said Samuel Ward, Lady Margaret’s Professor, and his successors for ever in that office, the garden opposite, which her late husband had purchased in 1613, of Stephen Perse and W, Beck, for forty pounds.

In 1722 this lease was renewed, at the same rent and for the same period, to Dr. Robert Jenkin, then Lady Margaret's Professor, and his successors in that office. The lease has now expired; and the Bishop of Peterborough, the present Lady Margaret’s Professor, is an annual tenant of the University at the old rent of three pounds. [See XIX. 24 and C. 19. Univ. Rec.]

Dr. STEPHEN PERSE, M.D., on the foundation of his six Almshouses (at the corner of Freeschool Lane) in 1615, directed that the inmates thereof, in default of a competent number from St. Edward’s and St. Michael’s, should be chosen from this parish.


THOMAS HOBSON of famous memory, lived in this parish. He was at the sole expence of erecting the Conduit on the Market Hill. He died January 1630, and was buried in the Chancel of this Church. He bequeathed seven Leys of Pasture lying in St. Thomas’ Leys, towards the maintenance of the Conduit for ever, and £200 to the Corporation, for the maintenance of the House of Correction.

By an indenture bearing the date 16th Jan. 1582, John Skott, Alderman of Cambridge, together with Thomas and William, sons of Thomas Skott of Cambridge, baker, deceased, assigned over, “all that Barne and Barneyard in Cambridge, lying in the Parysh of lytle St. Maryes, without Trumpyngton gates, to THOMAS HOBSON Caryer, he covenanting yearly for ever, in accomplishment of the last Will and Testament of the said Thomas Skott, deceased, to dystribute or cause to be dystributyd twentye shyllynges of lawfull currant mony of England, amongst the poore inhabytants of the sayd towne of Cambridge. And also pay fyve shyllynges yearely to some learned preacher that shall make a sermon in the Church of St. Bennett’s in the sayd towne of Cambridge, accordyng to the appointment and devyze of the said Thomas Skott, deceased.”

At the back of the indenture is an agreement that after the death of John Skott, ten shillings of the within-named sum shall be given to the poor of St. Benedict’s, yearly; five to those of St. Edward’s, and five to those of Trinity parish, on the Sunday before St. Michael. Mr. Hobson gave to the parish a large Bible, for the Churchwarden’s Pew.

ELIZABETH KNIGHT of DENNY ABBEY, Spinster, left by Will, dated May 1647, four hundred and forty pounds for the building of an Almshouse, with six firings for six poor people, and for the purchasing of lands to pay three pounds a year a piece, to the said six poor people; and further ordered, that there should be always placed in the said Almshouse, two poor Widows and four poor godly anShe further ordered that her Executor should have the placing of said six poor people during his life, and after his decease the said six poor people to be placed by her brothers and sisters, or any two of them; and after the decease of all her brothers and sisters, then by the Mayor and Aldermen of Cambridge, for ever.

This Almshouse is situate at the bottom of Jesus Lane. In 1818 the whole was rebuilt by a liberal donation from W. MORTLOCK, Esq. one of the Aldermen.


GILBERT IVES who died June 16, 1825, was one of the oldest inhabitants of this parish. Having acquired a considerable fortune (between four and five thousand pounds) by selling old Books, Prints, &c., to which occupation he turned his attention upon the decline of his business as barber and hair-dresser; he gave by Will to the Churchwardens and Overseers of this parish (after the decease of certain annuitants), £800. for the erection and endowment of four Almshouses for the reception of aged or infirm persons of either sex, as they in their discretion shall think most proper.

Also the sum of £100. to the said Churchwardens and Overseers, the interest of this sum together with the interest of the same sum, given during his life-time, to be distributed about St. Thomas’ day to the necessitous and deserving poor of the parish, of which sum the sexton is to have ten shillings annually, for keeping up Mr. IVES’ grave.

In 1806 Mr. Ives had given £30. to the acting Overseer for the time being, to be by him transferred to his successor, so that each Overseer might constantly have in hand £30. upon coming into office.

Also in 1818, a piece of Freehold Ground at Barnwell, within this parish, for the purpose of building a Workhouse thereon.

Also in 1824 the sum of £100. for purposes recited in his Will, and a large Prayer Book for the use of the Churchwarden’s Pew, to be kept there with the Bible heretofore given by THOMAS HOBSON.

Mr. Ives gave also by his Will (after the decease of certain individuals) “five hundred pounds to the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi or Bene’t College, Cambridge; IN TRUST, that they apply the interest thereof to such charitable purposes as in their opinions will relieve the greatest sum of human wretchedness.”

He also gave to Addenbrooke’s Hospital, £100.

To the Parish of St. Edward, Cambridge, £200.

To the Literary Society at the Black Bull, in aid of their Benevolent Fund, £200.

To the Benevolent Society of Cambridge, for the relief of sick and aged poor at their own habitations, £100.

To the Hospital at Norwich, £200.

To the Parish of St. Peter’s Mancroft in that city, £200.

Mr. Ives gave legacies, chiefly under twenty pounds, to nearly every individual with whom he was acquainted.

In his Will was the following item:

“To Mr. Thomas Case of St. Andrew’s Street, taylor, towards supporting his Asylum for destitute animals, I give nineteen guineas.”



GREAT BRAXTED is a Rectory in the county of Essex, diocese of London, and Archdeaconry of Colchester, valued in the King’s Books at £19.

The perpetual advowson of this living was purchased of the DUKE of NORFOLK, for the sum of eighty pounds, by Dr. THOMAS TOOKE, formerly Fellow of the College. The next turn had been previously sold in 1714, to ROBERT ROGERS, Clerk, the Incumbent, whose son succeeded him.

By Will bearing date December 1719, Dr. TOOKE thus bequeaths it to the College:

“Item, Whereas I sometime since purchased of the DUKE of NORFOLK, to the use of me and my heirs, all that advowson, patronage, and free gift, perpetual donation, nomination, and right of presentation of and to the Rectory and parish Church of GREAT BRAXTED, in the county of Essex: I give, will, and bequeath the same perpetual advowson to the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College in the University of Cambridge, commonly called Bennet College, and to their successors for ever.”

Mr. Rogers who succeeded his father, died in 1761; upon which

1762 JOHN COTT, B.D. Fellow, was instituted.

1782 JOB WALLACE, M.A. Fellow.

1828 THOMAS HERRING, B.D. Fellow.

The Church of Braxted is small, of one pace with the chancel. The parsonage house is pleasantly situated at some distance from the Church in the centre of the glebe, which (including the garden and premises) consists of 64A. 2R. 26P.; of this fourteen acres are pasture. According to the survey made in 1808 upon the inclosure, the parish contains 2,172 acres (exclusive of the glebe), of which 212 acres are woodland; and the park put down in the survey at 150 acres, pays a modus of five pounds; other lands have at different times been taken into it, but these remain subject to tithe.

The parish is situated a little to the east of the turnpike road leading from London to Colchester; being forty miles distant from the former, and eleven from the latter.

PETER DUCANE, Esq., M.A. of St. John’s College and member for STEYNING, Sussex, in the last Parliament, has a park and a mansion called BRAXTED LODGE, in this parish, lying between the parsonage and the Church.

The number of inhabitants at the last census was 508.



DUXFORD, ST. PETER’S, is a Rectory in the county of Cambridge, and in the Deanry of Camps, valued in the King’s Books at £21. 6s. 8d. The advowson of this Rectory was purchased by Archbishop TENISON, of SARAH HARRIS, widow, and THOMAS HARRIS, clerk, the Incumbent in 1704; and was bequeathed to the College according to the following Clause in his Grace’s Will:

“Item, I do hereby give, devise and bequeath the perpetual advowson, rectory and rights of patronage of DUXFORD, ST. PETER’S, in the county of Cambridge, which I have with all the tythes and rights, members and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining, to the foresaid master, fellows and scholars of the aforesaid College, [Corp. Christ. Coll. Cambridge] and to their successors for ever in trust, and upon condition; that the said master and fellows or the major part of them for the time being, as often as the said rectory of Duxford shall become void, shall present either the master of the said College for the time being, or one of the twelve fellows to the same such an one as they think fit as aforesaid, and it is most likely to promote the glory of God and the good of the people within the said parish, without respect to seniority, or else some other pious clergyman who has been educated within the said College.”

The Rev. THOMAS HARRIS, the Incumbent when the living was purchased, died in 1738.

1738 RALPH HARE, M.A. Fellow, was instituted.

1761 EDMUND FISHER, M.A. Fellow.


Mr. MARKBY upon his presentation to this living, found the parsonage totally unfit for the residence of a clergyman, having been let by the late Incumbent for many years as two cottages. He has built the present excellent house upon the old site: the total cost of the new parsonage, barn, stable, &c. was £2075. 14s. 6d.; towards which sum the College gave £600, the dilapidations were estimated at £400, and the old materials sold for £20; so that the Rector expended himself £1015. 14s. In consideration of the amount which Mr. MARKBY laid out upon the Rectory, the Society in 1822, redeemed the land-tax at the sum of £474. 18s. 4d. by which they relieved the Incumbent of the annual payment of £16. 5s. 4d.

When Mr. MARKBY took the living of DUXFORD, the home premises occupied about an acre, and the glebe consisted of about twenty-eight acres variously dispersed in small portions through the open fields, and the tithes were a moiety of


the tithes of the two parishes, DUXFORD ST. PETER’S, and DUXFORD ST. JOHN’S, the lands being so intermixed that the parishes could not be separated. In 1822 an inclosure took place, and it was the desire of this Society, and of the master and fellows of Clare Hall the proprietors of the Rectory of DUXFORD ST. JOHN’S, to have some line of division drawn between the two parishes by the commissioners under the Act. But this apparently reasonable request was rejected by the Committee of the House of Commons, through the influence of the land proprietors, who did not wish to afford any greater facility than was already possessed for the collection of the tithes.

By this Act each separate allotment is divided by an imaginary line, one part tithable to the parish of St. peter’s, at the other to that of St. John’s. Even this was a great improvement upon the former condition of the parishes, as now each Rector can act independently of the other, which was not the case before the inclosure. But a far greater improvement was made to the living by allotting to it 13A. 0R. 24P. immediately around the house in lieu of the dispersed glebe.

DUXFORD is situated in the best part of Cambridgeshire, nine miles from Cambridge, seven from Saffron Walden. A branch of the Cam (not navigable) runs through the Village. The Church is small, has aisles and a south porch. The Tower is built of pebbles with corners of stone: the Tower arch is semi-circular with Norman shafts: the nave has three equilateral arches. At the end of the north aisle are two niches with triangular crocketed canopies, pinnacles, and angel corbels.

The emoluments of the living arise from 13A. 0R. 24P. of glebe, and the tithes of 1424A. 0R. 9P. of arable land.

The population of the two parishes is 620. They are so intermixed that the rates, &c. are necessarily levied upon them as one parish.



FULMODESTON St. Mary cum Capellȃ de CROXTON, is a Rectory in the Deanry of BURNHAM, and the county of Norfolk; valued in the King’s Books at £16. 13s. 4d. This living together with THIRNING, was purchased of ROBERT WACE, clerk, the Patron and Incumbent in 1718, for the sum of £500.

Two Fellows, who were sent over by the Society “to view and make enquiry into the condition and value of the livings,” reported as follows: “The names of the two livings are FULMODESTON and THIRNING; the glebe and tithes of FULMODESTON are let for seven years at the rate of £125. 1s. 8d. besides twenty-one acres in the hands of the present Incumbent: the glebe and tithes of THIRNING are let for seven years at £46. 6s. 6d.; there is a very good new built house upon the former, and the latter has neither chancel or house belonging to it.”

The Rev. R. WACE died in September 1740, and in

1741 FRANCIS AYLMER, B.D. Fellow, was presented to these livings. An exchange of a small portion of the glebe took place during this Incumbency.

1759 JOHN BARNARDISTON, B.D. Fellow, who was elected Master in 1764. In a letter to his friend GOUGH, dated April 14, 1759, he gives the following description of the parsonage-house and living:

“I found an handsome, or rather, considering it is a Norfolk parsonage, a magnificent house, well built of brick and well tiled, all in good repair. There are seven windows in front; on the ground-floor I have a large hall, two parlours, a kitchen, a back-house as they call it, and a good brewhouse. Over these are three handsome chambers, two middling ones and a study. Up two pairs of stairs there are four good garrets. Thus much for my mansion. Before my house there is a handsome court-yard or rather garden, walled in on the sides and white palisades towards the street. The gravel-walk from the hall-door to the palisades, is somewhat longer than our long walk in the College garden. The main garden runs the length of this court-yard and house parallel to it, and consists of somewhat more than an acre of ground. There is in one part of my garden an island, the surface of which is covered with strawberries. On the other side of my house and court-yard is my farm-yard, in which there is a noble person’s barn, built of brick, two stables, one for two horses only, the other new built last summer,


for eight horses, these are also of brick. The tithes and glebe are let for somewhat more than two hundred pounds a year, and I am informed are very improveable.”

1778 JAMES CREMER, B.D. Fellow, who died the same year.

1778 PETER SANDIFORD, M.A. Fellow. In 1811 Dr. SANDIFORD was collated to the living of NEWTON in the Isle, upon which he vacated the living of THIRNING.

The emoluments of this living arise from 64A. 0R. 16P. of glebe, and the tithe of 2251A. 3R. 35P.; of this latter about 1240 acres are arable, the remainder consists of pasture and woodlands. A modus is claimed on cows. An engraving of the Church may be seen in the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1792, page 612.

The Chapel of CROXTON is near the parsonage, a small thatched building.

The population at the last census was 331.


THIRNING, ST. ANDREW, is a Rectory in the diocese of Norwich and county of Norfolk, valued in the King’s Books at £7. and discharged from the payment of first-fruits. The land-tax was redeemed by the College for the benefit of the Living, at the sum of £109. 10s. in 1811.

This living was purchased by the College with Fulmodeston, to which it was annexed until the collation of Dr. Sandiford in 1811 to the Rectory of Newton, when he resigned it, and the College presented:

1811 JAMES CURREY, B.D. Fellow.

1824 WILLIAM BLAKE, M.A. Fellow.

There is no parsonage house upon this living, and no chancel to the Church. There are 18 acres of glebe, and about 1300 acres subject to tithe.

The Village is situate about six miles to the east of Fulmodeston, and contained at the last census 112 inhabitants.



GRANTCHESTER ST. ANDREW’S is a Vicarage in the county of CAMBRIDGE and the Deanry of BARTON, valued in the King’s Books at £7. 14s. 4½d., but discharged from first-fruits. It is supposed to be the CAMBORITUM of ANTONINE. In Bede’s time it was “a little but desolate city; out of this ruined city the University of Cambridge is believed to have had its original.” In ancient documents it is called Grantesete, Grandchester, Grancester, Grandcister or Grandcittye. NEWENHAM was formerly an hamlet of this parish, as was likewise COTES (COTON). In an inquisition taken in the reign of Edward I, it is said, “Capella de Cotes pertinebat ad Maner. de Grancester donec amissa fuit tempore Henrici Patris Domini Regis.” And, in a dispute about the right of presentation 6 Edw. I. (1277), it is asserted, “Non est Matrix Ecclesia, immo Capella pertinans ad Ecclesiam de Grantesete;” but Coton was then determined to be a separate parish.

The Advowson of this living came into the hands of the College, probably by purchase, in 1364: the Society soon after, by the interest of JOHN Duke of LANCASTER, got the rectory appropriated to their own uses, paying the annual pension of 3s. 4d. to the Bishop, and 2s. to the Prior and Convent of Ely, and allotting a proper portion to the Vicar; viz. all the altarage or small tithes valued at about nine marks, (£6.); the tithe of hay estimated at 13s. 4d., with twenty acres of arable land, worth 16s. 8d.; and two acres of meadow rated at 6s. 8d., together with a stipend of 40s. per annum, to be paid quarterly; and an apartment in the rectory-house till he should be otherwise provided for. Out of this the Vicar was to pay 2s. 4d. for synodals, and 1s. for procurations to the Archdeacon; the College took upon themselves the finding new books for the Church as oft as there should be occasion, and repairing of the chancel, all which was confirmed by Pope URBAN in 1384. The Rectory was then valued at £32. 14s. 8d. per annum.

THOMAS DE ELTISLE, the first Master of the College, who was Rector of this parish soon after the purchase of the advowson, gave the vicarage-house and two acres two roods and a half of land adjoining.


The following have been the Vicars since the Reformation:

1561 JOHN BUNGEY, M.A. Fellow.



1572 EDWARD BRAINE. He was appointed the first Registrary of the College Acts in 1569. On his coming to this living he carefully transcribed the old parish register from 1539, and continued it with accuracy throughout his whole time. He was engaged in a long contest in the Vice-chancellor’s Court with JAMES ANSELL, of Trumpington, Gent. about the tithe of hay growing upon Dryholme and Fludgate-close, which was referred to arbitrators, who determined in favour of the Vicar, 27th May, 1594, [Arch. Acad.] He died May 14, 1613, and was buried here.

1613 MERLIN HIGDEN, B.D. Fellow.

1616 THOMAS COLBY, M.A. Fellow.

1621 THOMAS OSBORNE, B.D. Fellow.

1622 SAMUEL WALSALL, D.D. Master of the College.

. . . . RICHARD PALMER, B.D. Fellow.

1623 THOMAS ROWE, M.A. Fellow.

1634 THOMAS WHATTON, — He was ejected in 1644 by the Earl of Manchester, for observing the ceremonies of the Church, neglecting his cure, frequenting taverns, and being a very vicious person. [Walker.]

1644 ISAAC DOBSON, B.D. Fellow. He was not instituted till after the Restoration. He had a dispute with Mr. JOHN BYNG, the lessee of the College, about the tithes of a thousand acres of land, when converted into pasture by being laid down with clover or hayseeds. How the matter was determined is not known. In 1664 a malthouse belonging to the Rectory was given to Mr. DOBSON, to build a barn and out-houses to the Vicarage.

1678 MATTHEW SHORTING, M.A. Fellow of Pembroke. Mr. Shorting held the living for the convenience of the Society, giving up to them the cure and the profits, as appears from the following College Orders:

“April 16, 1702.

“Agreed that the parish of GRANTCHESTER, after Mr. FAWCETT’S course be held by the senior Fellow then resident, with the approbation of the Master and Fellows.”

“Also, that he be obliged to stand at all repairs during his time, and no deputy to be put in without the approbation of the Master and Fellows.”


“Sept. 27, 1703.

“Agreed that Mr. FAWCETT have the parish of Grantchester for the ensuing year.”

“Sept. 27, 1703.

“Agreed that the cure of the parish of GRANTCHESTER be given to Mr. KIDMAN, as senior Fellow then resident, according to an interpretation made by the Master and Fellows of their decree made concerning it, April 16, 1702.”

“Jan. 11, 1707.

“Agreed that upon Mr. KIDMAN’s collation to the living of STISTEAD, by my Lord Archbishop of CANTERBURY, the cure of the parish of GRANTCHESTER be given to Mr. WILLIAMS, being the next in seniority to Mr. KIDMAN; upon the same conditions as Mr. KIDMAN enjoyed it.”

“Jan. 31, 1707.

“Agreed then that upon Mr. WILLIAMS’s resignation of the cure of the parish of GRANTCHESTER, it be given to Mr. WALLER, being the next in seniority upon the same conditions as Mr. KIDMAN enjoyed it.”

“Aug. 6, 1707.

“Agreed unanimously that Mr. SELBY, Fellow of PEMBROKE HALL, be presented to GRANTCHESTER vicarage, in trust and confidence that he will permit the Fellows to serve the cure, and enjoy the profits of the living, as Dr. SHORTING did.”

1707 CHRISTOPHER SELBY, M.A. Fellow of Pembroke Hall. Mr. WALLER held the curacy until 1716, when upon the death of ERASMUS LANE he succeeded to the rectory of LITTLE WILBRAHAM; upon this Mr. SELBY vacated the vicarage of Grantchester, to which the College presented Mr. WALLER, and these two pieces of preferment were henceforth held by the same person until 1806.

1716 WALLER, JOHN, B.D. Fellow, cum Wilbraham.

1718 CHARLES SHELDRAKE, M.A. Fellow, cum Wilbraham.

1752 THOMAS PEARSON, B.D. Fellow, cum Wilbraham.

1762 JOHN HOOKE, M.A. Fellow, cum Wilbraham.

1778 WILLIAM BUTTS, M.A. Fellow, cum Wilbraham.

1806 JOHN HEWITT, B.D. Fellow.

The Church of Grantchester is a large and handsome building. The Steeple [if not the Church] was probably rebuilt by Bishop FORDHAM, his Arms (sab. a chevron bet. 3 crosses flory or.) and those of the See of Ely being carved in stone


on the opposite sides of the door of the tower. He was Bishop of Ely from 1388 to 1425. The Chancel is of an earlier date. The east window is a good specimen of the age of Edward III. There is a view of this Church in the Gentleman’s Magazine for 1801, p.1073.

The parsonage house is small, in a low bad situation. There was a notion of removing the parsonage in 1800, as it appears by the following College Order, but for some reason this desirable object was not accomplished:

“Jan. 30, 1800.

“Agreed to remove the present site of the Parsonage at Grantchester, to a situation nearer to Cambridge, as the premises are too small and not so convenient for the allotment to be made to the Rectory,” (Qy. Vicarage), “in consequence of the new Inclosure.”

The population at the last census was 344.

The emoluments of the living arise from glebe;

  1. Allotment abutting on Barton road … 87A. 2R. 7P.

  2. Homestead … 8A. 0R. 39P.

  3. Pasture between Mill and Trumpington Bridge … 4A. 3R. 0P.

Total … 100A. 3R. 0P.

In 1806 it was agreed to allow the Vicar from the surplus of the Rectory £120. a year.

The land-tax has been redeemed by the College for the benefit of the living.

The Widow of Mr. ROBERT BUTTS, brother to the late Incumbent, left £30.; the interest arising therefrom to be paid the Clerk of the parish. The College have taken this money in trust, and allow annually £1. 10s.

There are about twenty acres of land belonging to the parish, but the memory of the persons who left them is lost through length of time.



LAMBOURNE, ST. MARY’S and ALL SAINTS, is a Rectory in the diocese of London and county of Essex, valued in the King’s Books at £14. The perpetual advowson of this living was purchased by THOMAS TOOKE, D.D. the Incumbent and late fellow in 1712, of Mr. NICHOLAS STAPHURST, of Billericay, Surgeon, for the sum of £400. and bequeathed to the College by Will bearing date, December 7, 1719, as follows:

“Item, Whereas I have purchased to the use of me and my heirs all that the advowson, patronage and free gift, perpetual donation, nomination and right of presentation of and to the rectory and parish Church of Lambourne in the county of Essex, whereof I am now Rector, I give, will and bequeath the same to my dear brother Mr. JOHN TOOKE, and to his heirs for and during the term of fifty years to be computed from the day of my death, and at the full expiration of the said fifty years to be computed from the day of my death, I give, will, and bequeath the said advowson, patronage and free gift, perpetual donation, right of presentation of and to the said rectory and parish Church of LAMBOURNE aforesaid, to the master and fellows of Corpus Christi College in the University of Cambridge, commonly called Bennet College, and to their successors for ever.”

Dr. TOOKE died in 1721, and was succeeded in the living of Lambourne by his brother JOHN, who dying in 1764, was succeeded by his own son ROBERT, who died in 1776, when the College was involved in a troublesome law-suit with Mrs. CALVERT, sister to the late Incumbent, who claimed the right of presentation. The cause was finally decided in favour of the College: and,

1778 MICHAEL TYSON, B.D. Fellow, was instituted.

1780 EDWARD WALSBY, M.A. Fellow.

1825 ROBERT SUTLIFFE, B.D. Fellow.

The Church of LAMBOURNE is small, of one pace with the chancel; it contains some handsome modern monuments. The parish is pleasantly situated on the verge of EPPING Forest, about fourteen miles from London. The little river RODEN bounds the parish at Abridge, which is an hamlet of LAMBOURNE.

The total number of acres in the parish is 2414A. 3R. 33P. of which there are

Tithe-free … 32A. 2R. 7P.

Forest … 229A. 0R. 30P.

Woodlands … 108A. 3R. 12P.

Glebe, Garden, &c. … 34A. 1R. 16P.

The glebe consists of rich pasturage, and lies contiguous to the parsonage, which is a good substantial brick house.

The population at the last census was 729.



LANDBEACH, ALL SAINTS, is a Rectory in the Deanry of Chesterton, in the diocese of Ely and county of Cambridge, valued in the King’s Books at £10. 1s. 3d. This advowson has been in the possession of the College since the year 1360, when it was purchased of the Chamberlayne family. The following have subsequently been the Rectors of this parish:

1371 Sir JOHN ATTE CHURCH, of Teversham.



1375 Sir JOHN CHAMPION, Priest.


1392 Mr. JOHN NEKETON, Master.

1398 Mr. THOMAS BODNEY, Clerk.


1462 RICHARD BROCHER, B.D. Fellow.

1489 THOMAS COSYN, B.D. Master.

1512 JOHN SAYNTWARY, M.A. Fellow.

1516 PETER NOBYS, B.D. Master.

1523 JOHN CUTTYNG, B.D. Fellow.

1528 WILLIAM SOWODE, B.D. Master.

1544 THOMAS COBBE, M.A. Fellow.

1545 MATTHEW PARKER, D.D. Master.

1554 WILLIAM WHALLEY, Cl. a Canon of Lincoln.

1558 JOHN PORIE, B.D. Master.

1569 HENRY CLIFFORD, M.A. Fellow.

1616 WILLIAM RAWLEY, B.D. Fellow.

1667 JOHN SPENCER, D.D. Master.

1683 WILlIAM SPENCER, M.A. Fellow.

1688 JOHN CORY, B.D. Fellow.


1756 ROBERT MASTERS, B.D. Fellow.

1797 THOMAS BURROUGHES, M.A. Caius Coll.

1821 EDWARD ADDISON, B.D. Fellow.


The house and out-buildings have been put by the present Incumbent into perfect repair at a considerable expence. Landbeach is situate on the north east of Cambridge, on the turnpike road to Ely. The Church has a handsome exterior and some good tracery in the windows. In 1759 Mr. Masters in repairing the chancel, found in a cavity of a pillar, a human heart wrapped up in something fibrous like hair or wool, perhaps spikenard, and inclosed between two dishes or bowls of sycamore, or some other soft wood cemented together by linen. The cavity of the pillar was covered by a square stone carved with a rose, behind which was another stone four inches and a quarter by three inches and three quarters, and one inch thick, cemented to the first with pitch. This heart had probably belonged to some Crusader, or to one of the Chamberlayne family; perhaps to Henry, whose father Walter le Chamberlayne, held a Knight’s fee here with the advowson. By Will bearing the date on the feast of St. Vincent, 1344, he orders his body to be buried in the south Chapel of the Chancel of Landbeach, his best horse to be led before his corpse at his funeral, for a mortuary; £30. to be distributed among the poor and laid out upon his exequies, with other legacies, and £10. for masses after his death. This relict was sent by Mr. Masters to the British Museum, where it is still preserved.

The parish of Landbeach was inclosed in 1808, when the Rector received an allotment of land in lieu of tithes. The emoluments of the Living arise from 438A. 1R. 2P. of glebe; included in which are:

The Homestead of … 2A. 1R. 1P.

Small Fields near the Parsonage … 4A. 2R. 0P.

Field of old inclosure obtained by an exchange with the College in 1808 … 8A. 3R. 2P.

The population of Landbeach at the last census was 371.



WILBRAHAM, ST. JOHN’S, or WILBRAHAM PARVA, is a Rectory in the Deanry of Camps in the diocese of Ely, and county of Cambridge, valued in the King’s Books at £19. 16s. 8d. During the mastership of Mr. THOMAS ALDRITCH, [1570] a sum of money arising from the sale of houses in Cambridge, was laid out in the purchase of the manor of RICOTTES, with the advowson of the rectory of LITTLE WILBRAHAM. This purchase was made of THOMAS and FRANCIS HYNDE at the price of £830.

The following have since been presented to this Living:

1570 ROBERT WILLAN, B.D. Fellow.

1612 SAMUEL WALSALL, D.D. Fellow, afterwards Master.

1626 JOHN MUNDAY, B.D. Fellow, elected Master but ejected.

1653 ISAAC DOBSON, B.D. Fellow, resigned, probably before institution.


1679 ERASMUS LANE, B.D. Fellow.

1716 JOHN WALLER, B.D. Fellow, cum Grantchester.

1718 CHARLES SHELDRAKE, M.A. Fellow, cum Grantchester.

1752 THOMAS PEARSON, B.D. Fellow, cum Grantchester.

1763 JOHN HOOKE, M.A. Fellow, cum Grantchester.

1778 WILLIAM BUTTS, M.A. Fellow, cum Grantchester,

1806 GEORGE DE HAGUE, B.D. Fellow.

In 1778, upon Mr Butts’ presentation to the living, the College gave £100. towards the building of a new Rectorial house, upon condition of the Incumbent’s laying out £600. In 1806, another grant was made of £200. towards the improvement of the house. During the incumbency of Mr. Butts (1803), the parish was inclosed, and land allotted to the rector in lieu of tithes. Wilbraham is situate to the east of Cambridge, at the distance of about seven miles, and six from Newmarket. The Church is small, consisting of a nave, chancel and north aisle. It has some remains of good architecture. The east window is a beautiful specimen of the age of Edward III. The parsonage is a well built convenient house, very pleasantly situated.


The emoluments of the living arise from 323A. 1R. 32P. of glebe, as follow:

  1. Homestead. … 7A. 0R. 27P.

  2. Two fields in front of house. … 8A. 3R. 23P. These fields were purchased by the College in 1793, for one hundred and twenty pounds six shillings, and annexed to the Rectory.

  3. Three allotments to the east of the Church. … 173A. 2R. 8P.

  4. Allotment to the south. … 49A. 0R. 2P.

  5. Four allotments to the west. … 84A. 3R. 12P.

In 1819, Mr. De Hague exchanged a small quantity of land, about an acre in no. 3, for an equal quantity belonging to the Rev. Mr. Hicks, adjoining No. 1. and lying in the parish of Great Wilbraham.

The population at the last census was 274.

RICHARD JOHNSON of this parish, whose Will here follows, was a considerable Benefactor thereto.

“In the Name of God Amen, the XXIIII day of October in the yer of our Lord God MCCCCI, I RICHERT JOHNSON of Lyttyll-Wylbram in the diocese of Ely, beyng of god mynd and memory, make my testament in this wysse, fyrste I bequeth my Sowll to God and to our Lady Sayntt Mary, and to all the holy company of hewyn, and my Body to be beryd in the Chyrche-yard of Saynt John the Evangelyst of Wylburham forsayd.”

“Item. I beqweth to the hy Awter of the same Chyrche for Tythys forgotten XIId.”

“Item. I beqweth VIIIs to by an Awter cloth for the hy Awter, and VIIIs for an Awter cloth for our Ladys Awter.”

“Also I wyll that an honest Priest shall syng at Wyllburham forsayd for my Sowll and for the Sowll of Ihone my Wyffe by the space of on oll yer.”

“Also I beqweyth to Eliz. Taylyor and Alys Taylyor my Wyffs Systers, my Wyffs gerdell and odyr clothys that pertenyd to hyr body.”

“Also I beqweyth to Ihon Ihonson my Brodyr, my best Gown and IIII Marks in mony.”

“Also I beqweyth to Thomas Taylyor my Wyffs Brodyr my Maser.”

“Also I woll that my Executors do make a Tabernakyll of the Holy Trinyte, and I woll that thai shall spend ther wppon X li,”


“And morover I wyll that all my Londs and Tenements, Medows, Lays and Pasters be in the hands of my VI Feoffes to this intent, to do syng every yer a Deryge and Masse of Requiem in the morow, for my Sowll and for the Sowll of Ihone and Lucie my Wyffs, and to spend every yer at the sayd Dirige a quarter of Whett, a quarter of Malt and VIII d in Chesse, and also fynd onys in the yer V Tapers, every Taper of a pound of Wax byrnyng afor the sayd Tabernakyll, and the resydew of the ferme ther offe to pay the XV called the Taske, for all the inhabitants of Wylbrame aforsayd, except the Lordschypps.”

“Also I beqweth to Ihon Kottyng my seruant XXIs. VIIId., X Scheypp, V quarters of Malt and a Gown, except the best.”

“Also I beqweth to the sayd Ihon Kottyng and Marie my seruants part of my Howssald after dyscrecion of my Executors.”

“The residew of all my Goods forthermer nott dysposyd I gyffe and beqwehe to my Executors, that thai may ordant and dyssposse ytt for the helht of my Sowll, whom I make my Executors Thomas Taylyor, Ihon Hulloke, Ric. Coke.”

“Thes are wyttnesse

“IHON HANKOKE the older.

“IHON HANKOKE the odyr.”

The abovementioned lands and tenements, now of the annual value of between £60. and £70., have been conveyed from time to time to divers feoffees in trust for the uses of the parish till the year 1688, when by new indentures then made, three pounds of the annual profits were ordered to be applied to the repairing and adorning of the Church, and 10s. to that of the Chancel, and the residue thereof to the discharge of such publick rents, rates, taxes and assessments as should at any time be laid upon the inhabitants.

The Commissioners for charitable uses, sitting in Cambridge on June 5, 1729, confirmed the former manner of disposing of the profits; and added, to prevent any future abuse, that the trustees should keep a book of their receipts and disbursements, meet every year to audit their accompts on the 24th of June, and deliver a true copy thereof to the chairman at the next Quarter Sessions, with 2s. 6d. to the Clerk of the Peace for its safe keeping and inspection of such as should apply to him for that purpose. It was also then farther decreed, that whenever three of the six feoffees should be dead, the others should transfer their trust to six other honest and substantial persons, who should always lease out the premises according to their true yearly value.


But notwithstanding these useful regulations, the parishioners reaped little benefit for many years from so valuable a benefaction, till in 1743, the feoffees who were then found to be reduced to three, were called upon to give up their accompts and trust, as they did soon after with no small reluctance; when about fourscore pounds of the arrears were recovered, and laid out upon the repair of the houses, then in a ruinous condition.

Since this period the annual profits have been applied to relieving the sick and distressed, to providing blankets, fuel, bread, and potatoes for the poor, and to the repairing and rebuilding of the cottages upon the estate. At the audit of 1829, a considerable expence having been incurred by the erection of two new tenaments, the annual expenditure exceeded the receipts by £120., which sum was liberally presented to the charity by the Rev. G. DE HAGUE.

The present Trustees are:

PETER ALLIX, Esq. Swaffham.

Rev. J. LAMB, D.D. Corp. Chr. Coll.

GEORGE JENNINGS, Esq. Bottisham.

Mr. PETER KENT, Wilbraham.


Mr. HENRY KING, Wilbraham.

ERASMUS LANE, a former Rector, left by Will £20. which he requested the master and fellows to receive in trust, and to pay annually into the hands of the rector for the time being, twenty shillings on the feast of Whitsuntide for him to distribute equally amongst ten of the poorer inhabitants who constantly attend their parish Church. This sum is annually allowed by the bursar.

Mrs. BUTTS, widow of Robert Butts, brother to the last Incumbent, left an annuity of forty shillings for the clerk of Wilbraham, and thirty shillings for the clerk of Grantchester. In 1813 the College received of the Executors of Mrs. Butts, the sum of seventy pounds, and engaged to pay the above annuities. This money was placed to Dr. Spencer’s account, whence the payment is annually made.

In 1809 the College gave ten pounds towards building a tenement for the clerk at Wilbraham.



STALBRIDGE, ST. MARY, or STAPLEBRIDGE, is a Rectory in the deanry of Shaftsbury, the diocese of Bristol, and county of Dorset; valued in the King’s books at £27. 4s. 7d.

The perpetual advowson of this living was purchased by Archbishop Tenison in 1697, of John Clements, Esq. and Lord Shannon, and was bequeathed by his Grace to this College, as follows:

“I give, devise and bequeath to the Master, Fellows and Scholars of the College of the Body of Christ, and of the blessed Virgin Mary in the University of Cambridge, and to their Successors for ever, the Rectory and perpetual advowson of Stalbridge, in the county of Dorset, with all the tithes, rights, members and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining: IN TRUST and upon the following conditions, viz. That the said Master and Fellows, and their Successors, or the major part of them, as often as the said Rectory shall become void, shall present one of the twelve Fellows for the time being of the said College, to the same, such an one of them as they in their consciences shall think most fit, as is most likely to promote the glory of God and the good of the people within the said parish, without respect to seniority; or else some other pious clergyman who has been educated within the said College. But my intent is, and I do hereby declare my Will to be, that no person shall be by them presented to the said Rectory, who is a dignitary of any Church, or has any other rectory or vicarage, with the cure of souls in his possession at the time of such presentation, the said parish of STALBRIDGE being a very populous place, and of such value, as is a very good subsistance alone for a clergyman. I do therefore appoint and do hereby declare my Will to be, that the said Master and Fellows aforesaid, and their Successors, or the major part of them, as often as they shall have occasion to present to the said Rectory of STALBRIDGE, shall take a solemn promise in writing under the hand of the person so be presented, to be entered in the register of the said College, that he will not during the time he shall continue rector of STALBRIDGE aforesaid, accept of any rectory or vicarage, with cure of souls, or that then he shall and will within two months after his acceptance of any such rectory or vicarage, effectually resign the said rectory of STALBRIDGE into the hands of the Bishop of that diocese for the time being, or Guardian of the Spiritualities for the time being, and actually make the said Rectory


void, so as it may be lawful to and for the said Master and Fellows for the time being, or the major part of them, to present another fit person in manner aforesaid to the said Rectory.”

The following are the Incumbents who have been presented to the Rectory by the Society:

1737 WILLIAM LOWE, B.D. Fellow.

1750 STEPHEN BOLTON, B.D. Fellow.

1773 WILLIAM COLMAN, B.D. Fellow, afterwards Master.

1795 EDWARD BRADFORD, B.D. Fellow.

The Church is a large ancient structure consisting of a Chancel of three arches, a nave, aisles, and transepts. The parish is very extensive, and was famous for a manufacture of stockings. The hamlets, farms and manors belonging to the parish, are as follows:

  1. GOMERSEY, … a tithing, manor and hamlet.

  2. THORNHILL, … a tithing, manor and hamlet.

  3. STALBRIDGE-WESTON, … a tithing, hamlet and farm.

  4. ANTIOCH, … a farm, formerly a manor.

  5. HARGROVE, … formerly a manor.

  6. HYDE, … a farm.

  7. NEWNHAM, … a farm.

  8. PRIORS’ DOWN, … a farm of sixty acres. The late Dr. Colman maintained that this farm was part of the glebe, but he had no legal proofs of such being the case.

  9. CALLOW WESTON, … a farm, formerly a manor.

STALBRIDGE is considered one of the best livings in the county of Dorset. Dr. Colman raised it from £300. to £700.; and Mr. Bradford at his first going advanced it to £1000. a year. It has since that period been considerably higher, and may probably, communibus annis, be valued at the latter sum.

The glebe is about fifty-two acres, and the whole parish titheable.

The population at the last census was 987.

For a full account of Stalbridge, see Hutchin’s History of Dorset, Gough’s Edition.