We made a long overdue pilgrimage to the city of Norwich, capital of Norfolk and one of the great medieval cities of Europe, to have an important meeting. After the meeting, we were able to look around the famous cathedral, which of course was full of the cultural traditions which we research, preserve and promote.
What surprised us, however, was seeing not one, not two, but three examples of church towers using the key motif of the poised square to decorate their parapets. Before, we have only seen such jubilant use of this motif at Thomas Tresham's Lyveden New Bield in Northamptonshire. We made sure to take a lot of photographs.
On our journey home, we spied yet another one! Being unable to take photographs from the car, we have borrowed a photo of this to complete the set.
Image credit: The (redundant) church of St John de Sepulchre, taken Tuesday, 16 April, 2019
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Evelyn Simak - geograph.org.uk/p/6122373